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Transparent conductive films

Breakthrough technology that will facilitate manufacturing of new generation TCFs and provide sought-after technological independence from indium & flexibility


– standard TCF layers are currently based on indium-tin oxide (ITO)
– TCF layers based on ITO are not flexible (a significant limitation for electronics manufacturers), they do not conduct enough electricity and have limited optical transparency
– TCF layers based on ITO are expensive as indium is a rare element which supply on a global scale is mostly controlled by China (about 50% -60% of global production) and Korea (15% market share)


XTPL is developing a new solution that will facilitate the production of hogher generation of TCFs – the solution ensures:

– full transparency
– excellent conductance parameters
– low production costs due to the use of commonly available materials i.e. silver) that can provide the sought-after technological independence from indum
– flexibility of the conductive films, which will enable electronics manufacturers to develop and provide new generation of revolutionary solutions to customer


Image of 10 cm x 10 cm TCF sample obtained from Ag/Cu mesh with sheet resistance 22 Ohm/sq and optical transmission 93%. The width of printed lines is 5 µm and interlines distance is 500 µm. TCF was printed on the glass.



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