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XTPL will present its technology in the United States.

XTPL will take part in the AUTM 2017 Annual Meeting which gathers world-class experts in technology transfer. XTPL’s goal is to present the first version of the lab printer dedicated to research and development centres.

The XTPL technology has entered the stage which allows it to be presented. The company has already started contacting scientists, members of research institutes and entrepreneurs who would be willing to collaborate. In March, XTPL will attend the AUTM Annual Meeting. The event attracts nearly 2,000 specialists involved in technology transfer on a daily basis.

The Association of University Technology Managers is an organisation of 3,300 intellectual property managers from more than 350 universities, research institutes and educational institutions as well as entrepreneurs and members of government organisations. It is a great opportunity for us to meet them and discuss the possible applications of XTPL’s lab printer at their institutes and in their business projects. We do hope that the AUTM Annual Meeting will open new prospects for us in the US market, says Filip Granek, CEO at XTPL.

MIT Enterprise Forum Poland will organise the meetings between XTPL and scientists, members of research institutes, entrepreneurs and representatives of industry institutions.

Such international events allow us to start invaluable relations with companies from around the world as well as to discover completely new uses for our technology, sometimes in such areas which are not our first-choice markets. Participation in such events results not only in contract signing, but also in the expansion in the possible fields of use for our invention, adds Filip Granek.

The AUTM 2017 Annual Meeting will take place on 12–15 March in Florida, USA.


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